World Cup Solar - World Peace

World Cup Solar

Crypto Currency Research - Coral - Agriculture - Aging - Brain Transplant - Contact

Love - Peace

We study the Genesis block for both the ethereum and bitcoin blockchains.

We are in planning stage to construct a complex speaker system to put under Water to help relieve stress on Coral with Complex Sound.

We will help change the way we grow a Seed, using SeaWater.

We are working to understand how to stop the aging process in a Human.

We are doing research to understand how a Human Brain Transplant can & will be successful in the Future.


Protectors of all living entities

We are Protectors of all living entities in our Universe.

We Are Commited To Protect And Enhance Our Environment

What We Offer ?

A Revolutionary Change, to help on the pathway to achieve a level of Peace across our Entire Earth.


Humans, Animals, Plant Life

Air, Food, Water